Friday, April 28, 2006

Year to Success and Bellado

I just finished my reading for the day on the Year to Success website and answered the questions. This website has become important to me in my life. It is loaded with inspirational quotes, important bits of wisdom to help you to move forward to your goals, and offers daily encouragement. is free for those who sign up to receive daily inspirational e-mails about success and lessons about what it takes to be successful. This outstanding website has something to offer everyone, no matter how busy. In fact, I can almost bet that those who say they are too busy can learn some valuable tips on how to use their time more wisely.

It isn't necessary to get locked into daily work. Progress on this website can take place weekly or when you have time but it does offer insight, inspiration, and help to move you forward in life with your goals.

Bo Bennett, creator of Year to Success has created another outstanding website. See it at This website, which is great for families and young people, believes that good character and values are important. Take a look and download one of the score cards. See how you do as you evaluate your behavior with other people. Actions listed are making someone smile, making someone laugh, praising, complimenting someone, showing gratitude or appreciation, forgiving someone of something immediately, doing a random act of kindness, expressing interest in someone, showing someone public recognition, forgiving someone of something in the past, being truthful with somebody about a past event, showing someone the brighter side of life, and helping someone discover his or her own gifts. Who can object to this?

On the flip side, some behaviors take off points from the score card, such as: emotionally hurting another person, speaking ill of another person, lying or being dishonest, showing disrespect for another's beliefs, opinions or ideas, and showing impatience.

Regardless of your religion or belief system, Bo Bennett has created a positive website to encourage people to center on the behaviors that are most important. The result, when practiced, changes lives and our society for the better. Schools would benefit from encouraging students to keep score cards. Families would benefit from each member keeping a score card to hold them accountable. Businesses would benefit from a leader encouraging those they work with to participate and keep score cards. Those who work in public agencies with other people would be wise to encourage those they counsel to keep a score card. Many applications to make this world a better place because of Bo Bennett.

Bo Bennett makes a difference in our world. Isn't this an example everyone should want to emulate?

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