Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Weight Watchers

I lost 1.8 pounds yesterday bringing my weight loss total to 12 pounds for the last five weeks. I'll take it. I love Weight Watchers. It's recommended by doctors. It's motivational and positive. It holds you accountable, which I need. I need to Watch what I eat or my eating can get out of control with a little here and a little there and splurging once in awhile.

This was the topic of the day by the leader. She talked about "licks, bites, and tastes" and how they can add up quickly before you know it to an extra 700 calories. I understand this and this is why I need to count and keep track of everything I eat. It's easy as a woman to taste your cooking, think that standing up while you're eating doesn't really count, and to not pay attention to an occasional pass by the nut dish to get a few.

I got a great tip at the meeting from a member. This woman mixes cereals with the highest fiber and the least calories for a unique taste. Sounds great to me. I think I'll try it. Another member likes to use a tiny spoon, a tiny cup, and a tiny plate. I don't think that's for me. I'm the one who used to always go to the "all you can eat" places and do my best to make sure I got my money's worth.

We learned that if you follow all your good health habits that this uses up 98% of your points with only 2% for extras.

I'm trying not to use my weekly points. We learned that we should only use it for an emergency, like a special night out at a restaurant.

We learned that if we aren't losing weight, it's most likely that we aren't monitoring our food intake. I believe that.

I tend to get in an eating rut and eat the same things day after day because I feel they are safe. I like to stick with lots of fresh fruit and stir fry but I'm a little too heavy on the olive oil. I need to be careful to counting it, instead of just pouring.

I'm glad I'm back at Weight Watchers. I weighed 130 pounds for years and I'm determined to get back there. With exercise, healthy eating, and monitoring my food intake, I should make it this time and stay there. Permanent changes are necessary. You just can't think that you can go back to your old ways after you get down to your goal weight.

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