Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tax Cuts for the Rich

I'm disappointed and shocked that everyone in Congress is so willing to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Democrats seem to be wearing Republican clothing and no one seems to remember the financial disaster just prior to President Obama being elected in the fall of 2008. I don't get it. Where are the strong Democrats who care about fighting for the people who are poor and disadvantaged without a voice? Where are the strong Democrats who care about fighting for the elderly and senior citizens? Where are the strong Democrats who care about doing what is right because it is the right thing to do and refuse to take the perks and money from public interest groups?

Why would anyone even consider giving 7 billion dollars to the wealthy in this country who don't need it when millions are without health care, millions are or have lost their home, millions are hungry, and we have such severe need? Corporations should pay more. The wealthy should pay more to solve the problems in this country. Corporations and wealthy individuals shouldn't be allowed to get away with robbing this country again and again and again.

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