Sunday, March 02, 2014

J. A. Jance

I met my writing hero, J.A. Jance this evening at Third Place Books at Lake Forest Park here in the Seattle area. This is the third time I've tried to go to her book signing. Once in Corvallis, Oregon. The second time at Third Place Books at Lake Forest Park last year but there was such a big traffic jam that I was in the car for over an hour and a half trying to get to the book store.

I admire J.A. Jance. She just finished her 50th book that is on the New York Times best seller list. She writes two books a year. I have 19 of them and want to get them all. She's amazing and keeps an impossible schedule. I feel so lucky to meet her and to listen to her talk.

I want to be just like J.A. Jance and write two books a year. I've finished four mysteries that are unpublished. My goal is to be just like J.A. Jance who thrives under pressure and writes two books a year.

I wish I had gotten a photo with her. I wish I could sit down and talk to her for hours. I really want to talk to her. I hope it happens someday.

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