Saturday, July 14, 2007


In the Corvallis Gazette Times this morning in the religion section is the headline, "Bloomberg: America's first Jewish president?" Bloomberg is the only candidate smart enough to be president. It's important that he's Jewish, especially in a time when some around the world want to annihilate all Jews.

Hilliary? Why would I vote for Hilliary? I don't know what she stands for since she's so busy kissing up the last three years. When her husband was president, he gave her the project of putting together a national health care system and she failed so just why would I think she would do any better this time plus her husband gave away the store and couldn't control his personal life.

Edwards, the pretty boy? I don't know. I think he would be too busy looking in a mirror.

Romney? I would never vote for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after my experience in this church. Am I nice to members? Yes. Do I keep my distance? Yes.

Giuliani--maybe I'll vote for him, if Bloomberg doesn't run for president.

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