Friday, October 02, 2009

Health Care Crisis

I believe we have a crisis of care in the medical community in this country. When a doctor sees a patient for 5 to 10 minutes for one symptom, how can he or she possibly solve any medical problem? There needs to be time spent on reading files, thinking, researching, and listening to all the symptoms of the patient. When a doctor sees a patient for 5 minutes, he can't possibly solve any problems, except for the simple and easy to diagnose.

Emphasis is now on greed and getting as many patients through the door as possible in a short amount of time. No answers can be found this way. In fact, it is training doctors to not be able to think or solve medical problems. We are destroying the role and potential of physicians by doing this.

Emphasis should be placed on prevention and the care of the patient. We need single payer health care and give care to all people who need it in this country.

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