Friday, November 06, 2009

Ellen Beier

I had the honor of visiting the home of Ellen Beier last night, the gifted and talented children’s book illustrator, for the monthly Corvallis Children’s Writers critique group. I love her art. She’s meticulous about research, planning her illustrations, and working in collaboration with her editors to achieve perfection. Ellen told about researching handmade paper and the handmade paper used by her favorite illustrator for watercolors that costs $40 a sheet. She showed her drawings for her current book project, THE CHRISTMAS COAT. As everyone was leaving, she gave one of her children’s books that she has illustrated. I selected MRS. PEACHTREE AND THE EIGHTH AVENUE CAT and I asked her to sign it. One of my favorite illustrations that she has painted is of Mrs. Peachtree riding a bike. Ellen illustrated the children’s book version of Anne of Green Gables.

Only one of the members of this critique group read their work to be critiqued. Nancy Matsumoto read her delightful manuscript for children ages 4 through 7. Everyone agreed that it was a polished manuscript ready to be published. She just attended the Silver Falls Conference for Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and connected with NY editors. I have no doubt that her book will be a best seller. I know I would love to read it to my grandchildren and I know other children would love it.

Lill Ahrens shared her current sculpture project that she is working on for a deadline. Linda V. Smith showed her yearly project of creating a book of photos and poems that she passes out to her family. There were over 70 poems in the thick book and it is filled with love for her family. The creativity and talent is off the charts in this group.

Linda Smith recently visited the Alsea School and taught three classes about constructing poetry. It was very kind of her to come. She's a master teacher.

It’s always been my dream to go to the SCBWI conference and also to the Willamette Writers Conference. I’m sitting on a lot of writing—stories and a novel for juveniles and two mystery novels, short stories, and articles. I need to revise and start submitting again. I need recommit to writing every day. I received the latest issue of THE WRITER yesterday in the mail and there is a quote by Donald M. Murray that says, “A piece of writing is not finished until it is submitted for publication as many times as is necessary for it to appear in print.” I’m also toying with the idea that I need to sign up for National Novel Writing Month even though I am 6 days late. I would start on a memoir. I’m inspired to write. I've been trying to concentrate on exercise and reading but writing MUST in there too. I NEED to write. It is essential.

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