Monday, December 01, 2008


I question the wisdom of bailouts to failing corporations. I think there should be a cap on greed with a check and balance system set in place by Congress. Bail-outs to large corporations who didn't do a good job of doing business in the first place without accountability, without legal documents signed that ensures that money will be put towards an agreed-upon outcome is not okay. It's like giving $5 to the spoiled bully who stomps his foot because he wants it.

Is it really okay for a bully to take all the marbles and let no one else have any, destroying the entire game while doing it? I think not.

It isn't okay for corporate heads to rob and raid the U.S. Treasury without clear, outlined programs set in place that are agreed upon that will not only return the money but strengthen this country, create jobs, and do the job of revitalizing the corporation that the money helps. It isn't okay for the corporate leaders to be given money and not do what they said they would do. Members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate are negligent when they allow this to happen. They are watching while public money is being stolen right before their eyes. I've heard one estimate that the total corporate bail-out could reach seven trillion dollars! All this without accountability or assurance that they will do with the money what they said they would, which is what is happening now.

And what about the FBI, Justice Department, and the U.S. Supreme Court? Why aren't these legal bodies doing something about the great theft of the U.S. Treasury? Why aren't they creating controls on what is being done to make sure our country remains strong? Why did Martha Stewart go to prison for something that is miniscule in comparison to what corporate leaders are getting away with now?

In listening to business commentary, I am amazed at people who say that if someone accepts a bad mortgage, it was their fault, as in buyer beware. People come to experts because they have specialized knowledge. They come because they trust. They pay a fee for this education and expert knowledge. Now everyone must be their own expert. Blame the victim.

Yes, we all must educate ourselves but if we can't trust experts to help us, what good are they? Why should anyone pay good money to an expert again? Why can't we expect as consumers that we get what we pay for? Why can't we assume that the legal system will get rid of the crooks? What about ethics? What about accountability? No one wants accountability in anything--business, government, health care, or education. Why?

It isn't okay when people are homeless and millions don't have health care for corporations to keep taking. A profit is okay but taking unlimited profit while those who buy are left out in the street to forage for food, isn't okay. There needs to be a cap placed on business profit so that everyone wins, not just those at the top holding the bag of money and power.

Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone deserves a chance to dream. Everyone deserves a good education. Everyone deserves to win, if they work hard and play by the rules. Isn't that what this country is all about?

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