Thursday, April 30, 2009

Script Frenzy

I just came through the finish line as a winner for Script Frenzy, the challenge to write the first draft of a screenplay in the month of April. The challenge was to write 100 pages of a screenplay. I'm still not finished because I still have more drama, the big crisis, and the ending to add. I'm working from my novel that I wrote in November for National Novel Writing Month. I left off on page 138 of my novel and still have to go to the end on page 182. Then rewrites come to cut what isn't needed and to rework words to add more suspense and conflict. Oh, the fun of it all.

You can go to and do a search for wendywrites to find me.

Now I think I need a nap!

Hats off to Chris Baty who created the challenge of Script Frenzy and National Novel Writing Month. He's my writing hero. He's amazing, selfless, and is responsible for writers blossoming around the world. He deserves great rewards and praise for all his accomplishments.

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