Monday, September 24, 2012

Snoqualmie Casino

I went to the Snoqualmie Casino a second time last week on Wednesday. I had a great time. I spent $2.50 on a penny slot machine. My favorite machine is Relic Hunter. I love to win 20 or 50 or 120 more chances to play the machine. It's a fun machine. I had a nice lunch in the buffet area.

I don't think I can go back anymore because of all the smoke. My father smoked and he died of lung cancer. My husband smoked and he always had lung problems and died of esophageal cancer last year. It's hard for me to be around all the smoke. I've never smoked myself. I wish they had a high tech filtration system to get the smoke up and out and bring in fresh air. Or I wish they had completely different sections where nonsmoking was really a no smoke area.

I almost didn't get on the right bus home because there wasn't a sign in the window. I asked and was careful to make sure I was on the right bus.

I'm sad that just when I thought this was going to be a lot of fun once in awhile that I doubt I will go again because of all the smoke. If you smoke, it's a great place. Great food. A nice ride on the bus out in the country, like a mini vacation. Oh, well...............

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