Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Bailing out AIG isn't going to make it all better. It's the tip of the iceberg. So did we borrow more money from China or are we printing worthless money to bail out AIG? What happens when the credit cards default that starts more bank failures?

Corvallis, Oregon is supposed to be one of the more affluent cities in Oregon and the United States. So how come when my husband shops four times a month going to six stores for bargains that the stores are empty and the clerks say, "that's the way it is now."

Our country's economic structure is headed for collapse and bankruptcy. I don't think we've seen anything yet. We can thank the Republican party, President Bush and the unbriddled greed of crooked leaders of business. Do you really want to vote for any candidate who wants to privatize social security and put the social security trust fund in the hands of business idiots who have caused the choas in the housing market, the stock market, the banking crisis, and the failure of large corporations?

Part of the problem is that large corporations allow top managers, vice presidents, and board room members to vacation at work by taking the big salary, delegate their work, play golf, and not earn their pay. This allows all kinds of crooks to manipulate the figures and the books, and steal. Read all about it in EXECUTRICKS by Stanley Bing who outlines how to retire while you're still working. This needs to end now.

Another thing that needs to end now is paying off CEO's who fail and who steal by rewarding their failure with million dollar severance packages.

Ronald Reagan said that communism takes away your right to fail. Even the Reagan Republicans who have allowed all this to happen don't listen to their leader. Our country is broken and Republicans are responsible.

We need change. We need the strong leadership of Barack Obama to get our country out of the mess caused by failed Republican policies.

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