Friday, August 28, 2009

Senator Ted Kennedy

I have always admired the Kennedy family. Senator Ted Kennedy has been an inspiration to me for years with his tireless leadership, public service, and working on great causes to help people.

My son, Aaron wrote to Senator Kennedy when he was around 5 or 6 and sent him a valentine. Senator Ted Kennedy wrote back and sent him a letter and autographed picture. I will always treasure the photo. The fact that he would take the time to answer a little boy says it all.

When I started homeschooling my children in Arroyo Grande, California in 1978 and created the curriculum, I asked myself, "What would go into the curriculum of a school that would be good enough for the Kennedy children?" Without a lot of money or resources, I tried to create a curriculum that I thought would do it. It was a Kennedy-inspired curriculum.

The greatest way to honor Senator Ted Kennedy now would be for the Senate to work together to put single-payer health care into law NOW, for all people to have care, to put emphasis on prevention, and to end GREED.

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