Saturday, April 07, 2007

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I read in the Gazette Times this morning that Gordon B. Hinckley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is defending the Book of Mormon and is puzzled by many mainstream Christians who do not respect the faith.

In my opinion, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints need to clean up their act and remember that Jesus commanded Christians to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and to treat everyone as if they are your brother. When I was active in this church, going to the Portland Temple weekly, tithing, and spending enough hours for a full time job volunteering, I encountered some troubling truths that I wasn't told about when I first joined in 1995. I have witnessed too many church leaders who are Sunday Mormons and who brag about it. Their ethics go out the window during the week while they act as Saints on Sunday. On many Christmas and Easter holidays, I didn't see a difference from the rest of the year in this church. Why? Jesus is part of the name of this church so why? This was troubling to me as someone who grew up as a Lutheran going to church every Sunday with my parents. The history of the church seems to be a higher priority. They don't want to concentrate on the death of Jesus so that is the reason why Mormons don't wear crosses. I think they pick and choose. The dominant themes in the church and what is studied is mainly about church leaders and the history of the church. The church should be renamed as the Church of Joseph Smith.

I knew I was in trouble when I went to the temple for the first time and took a vow not to laugh loudly. This is ridiculous. It is healthy to laugh and be joyous. They consider someone who drinks coffee as someone who is sinning and yet they commit serious ethical offenses as if they cannot do any wrong. Just try to make a temple-going Mormon laugh. They will try to swallow their laugh before they will laugh loudly.

When leaders make agregious errors in judgment, they are not relieved of duty or chided. They say that even if a mistake was made, it was meant to happen. They don't say their sorry. Everything that a leader does was meant to happen and is ordained by God. They are full of themselves. They believe that God dictates their every action but I have witnessed that they do not live by the rules of God and the Bible. They live by their own rules believing that they write scripture. Scripture is ongoing for Mormons and that is why the sacred texts keep continuing. Mormons believe in many Gods, not one God. They believe that if they are righteous that they will die to become a God and rule a world. When I first joined this church, I found books about Mormons in the cult section at Christian book stores. Now they are mixed in with the rest. Now I understand.

I have watched them shun, commit crimes, and use their power to commit unrighteous acts. They are a political and social group. Yes, they are great at keeping families busy, especially women busy. Relief Society for the women is the original group of Stefford Wives. I think that this is so that the men know what their women are doing so they can go out and conquer the world.

Maybe there is a reason why former Mormons are asked to be rebaptized when joining another church. Maybe there is a reason why many Christians don't respect this religion. Maybe they see how machaevellian the leaders are and how ready to manipulate in the name of Heavenly Father. They are secretive. They will work to destroy reputations and manipulate in order to appear holy.

Do I miss the good in this church? Yes, but I cannot be part of a church that I don't respect and I can't be around people I don't respect. If that means that I remain isolated and alone so be it.

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