Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I am grateful to have had the chance to talk to my son, Daniel this evening. Even though he's so busy, he helps keep me centered. He listens and understands. I respect and admire him.

In talking through my feelings with him on the phone, I realize that I derive my greatest meaning in life in the last few years when I write first in the morning. The rest of the day is gravy because I know I have accomplished what is most important first thing in the morning. Yes, reading about writing craft is important, exercise, housework, gardening, and other tasks are important but writing must come first always.

I felt so energized in November 2004 when I was working on the Nano Novel for National Novel Writing Month. It may seem silly to try to reach for this seemingly impossible goal to some but for me, it gave me great meaning. It showed me that I could do it. I could write the first draft of a novel in a month. When I look at some of the most popular and prolific writers today, they are writing every day and take it seriously as a job. They churn out three or four books a year. Some publish even more. Take a look at Nora Roberts whose books are on every best seller list. I read that she has published as many as 10 books in a year. It seems impossible. She's truly an inspiration.

I want to renew my commitment to start in the morning to work hard every day on my writing with the goal of completing novel after novel. Maybe I'll never get a novel published. Maybe no one will ever want to read my writing or I'll never make it to the best seller list but I do enjoy the process of creating something new on a page that wasn't expected. It's fun. In my writing is one of the few places in life where I feel powerful. So I'm determined to work hard at churning out books and I will have fun in the process.

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