Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Harper's Magazine

I started reading the December, 2008 issue of Harper's Magazine last night at midnight and am almost finished.

There are some important articles that should be read by everyone.

On page 16 is a short sidebar of a speech given by Will Rogers in 1922 to The American Bankers Association that has special relevance to banking today, especially considering the economic and financial collapse of the last couple of months.

Pages 39 to 48 is an essay about Mandela and Africa. It outlines the extreme danger, lawlessness, and violence in Africa.

Then is a report titled, Justice After Bush, Prosecuting an Outlaw Administration from pages 49 through 60. This courageous article calls for justice and that laws be respected in this country. It outlines how the Bush administration has abused constititional rights and committed war crimes. The U.S. Constition and laws should be the highest authority.

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