Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I wrote a letter to the editor to the Corvallis Gazette Times and it was printed on 11-25-08. Here's what I wrote:

Attention in the news has been drawn to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as gays storm Mormon temples across the United States because of the actions taken by this church to defeat Prop 8 in California.

Mormons also played a major role in defeating the equal rights amendment to the Constitution for women, while every day women and young girls are abused in Utah by polygamous marriage.

Maybe someone should question the tax-exempt status of this church since they can't seem to respect the constitutional amendment that is supposed to separate church and state.

Blacks, gays, and women have all been discriminated against by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at different times. So have intellectuals who dare to question leaders and their doctrine that changes as time passes.

I thought God loves everybody and wants everyone to shine.

My letter was signed:
Wendy Marie Haber
Alsea, Oregon

People came to the United States of America with the hope that they would be free to worship as they want and that no church would be powerful enough to dictate government policy when our country was in its infancy. People came to this country to be free to have their own opinion and to be able to worship as they choose. People still come to this great melting pot to be free. When churches become political action committees, they are crossing over into a grey area that has yet to be challenged by the U.S. Supreme Court. Having U.S. government money go to pay for private religious schools is also a grey area that has yet to be challenged. Prayer is not allowed in public schools. Why? Because a prayer usually hints of one religion over another. To prevent discrimination, it is not done.

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