I've been married to Leslie Haber for over 34 years. We eloped on April 17, 1972. We didn't go to one of those cheesy wedding chapels in Reno, Nevada. We settled for the Justice of the Peace in City Hall.
I didn't have a fancy wedding. My family wasn't gathered around. I got one wedding gift from the people I worked with--an international cookbook.
Why did I marry Leslie? I married Les because he looks like Jerry Lewis, has integrity, personal courage to do the right thing, and we were attracted to each other right from the first moment we met.
This photo was taken a couple of years ago. Les is 56 and I'm 58.
Over the years, we've been through a lot of tragedy and hardship. We've also had some great times when we've had money and had opportunities to travel.
We have the best kids in the whole world. I'm proud of every one of them. They're amazing. Gretchen, Ben, Joe, and Daniel. Aaron died in 1995.
Les was right there to help with homework, drive kids to and from school, and battle with teachers who were unfair. Les let me stay home because I wanted to be with my kids even when we didn't have a lot of money. Most men would have booted me out the door to get a job. I loved reading stacks of books, playing games, and teaching my children.
I haven't always agreed with Les about things. He doesn't dance. He does respect my right to speak my mind and is supportive. Most men wouldn't do that, if I said something they disagreed with. We agree on almost everything.
When I have ever been in the hospital which has been very little (birth of children, cancer, and bleeding ulcers), Les has been right beside me.
Now Leslie is in pain most of the time. He sure has done a great job this last year of cutting brush and making our 3.68 acres look nice. He does what he can, when he can, as much as he can. We've lived here in Alsea now for five years and I am finally adjusting.
Every morning when Les wakes up, I start coffee and we sit down at the kitchen table to play canasta. I usually win, which makes it fun for me. Les won yesterday and the day before. Oops!
We love watching the wild birds outside. The Stellers Jays have left us. So have the American Goldfinch. Where are they? The trees used to be filled with song.
Les is the one who fixes everything. He's the one I call when I have problems with the computer. He's the one I call when I need something put together. He's the one who reads directions.
Les loves watching Fox News and tells me what's going on in the world. That's his area.
I make frozen TV dinners so I don't have to cook all the time. Then I know Les gets his vegetables with his meat that he loves so much. Yesterday I made him German apple pancakes for breakfast.
Les has been my best and only friend for a lot of years now. I'm worried about him. It's sad when he goes out the door with his pruner in hand and says that he'd rather die cutting brush than in a hospital room. I told him that nothing can happen to him because I need him. I love you, Leslie.
Please God watch out for Leslie and keep him safe. Please heal his body and make him painfree.
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