Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Stupid King

I wrote a fairy tale this morning that I will share with you.


Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there was a little princess with long golden curls without any friends. The princess had one major flaw. She spoke her mind, had opinions, and wouldn't keep her mouth shut. The little princess was smart with great ideas.

The King gave power to the Royal Smart Person's School to follow the princess around with video cameras and tape recorders to record her every word without her knowledge. They had to be sneaky and not let her know what they were up to but she knew something was amiss. Everyone was afraid to be a friend to the princess because they had to be very careful not to tell the princess the truth.

The people in the kingdom were sick of paying taxes so the King wanted to make money from the ideas of the little princess. The King discovered there were other ways to make money to buy the Queen all she wanted. He listened to all the tapes, hour by hour, of the words of the little princess. The King was able to fund several trips to Tahiti for the Queen based on invention ideas of the princess.

After several years, the King discovered that the princess had lost her spirit and she was no longer happy because she had no friends. This didn't bother the King but it stopped the flow of saleable ideas since the princess was sad. The King decided to send the little princess to a spa to pamper her from morning till night for a month. Then she would be happy and would think up new money-making ideas to make the King rich beyond measure. This new idea didn't work because no one could make the princess happy. The little princess knew that no one was a friend unless they told her the truth about what was happening to her. This no one would do.

The little princess with the golden curls tried to get help and people to listen in other Kingdoms. The King had contingency plans in place so no one learned the true identity of the princess with the great ideas.

The little princess with the golden curls grew sadder and sadder until she started to get sick with symptoms that needed pills and a doctor. The King called the Royal Smart Doctor with all the answers. "Oh, Royal Smart Doctor, you must make the princess happy again." The Royal Smart Doctor said, "I can do it. I have a little pill that works magic." The Royal Smart Doctor gave the little princess the pill and she died from the side effects.

The King said to the Royal Smart Doctor, "Just look at what you have done! You killed the little princess with the golden curls. Now my source of money has dried up. I'll sue you in court and take all your pennies."

The Queen heard of the calamity and told the King that maybe the little princess only needed a friend and someone to trust who wouldn't betray her. "I wouldn't have needed trips to Tahiti, if I had a true friend who was kind. Maybe the little princess could have been my friend." The Queen looked sad and was disappointed in the King.

The King looked down into the Royal Garden where the Queen sat by the Royal Timber Bamboo that was a cash crop to be made into flooring in the Royal Kingdom, one of the ideas of the little princess. "My Queen, yes, you might be right. Maybe we all made a mistake. We should have been kind. We should all have been a friend. We should have invited her to the Royal Palace for a feast. We shouldn't have been greedy and used her ideas without her permission."

The King decided to mend his ways and try a different path. He commanded the Royal Smart Person's School to find the way to happiness, friends, and peace. The King realized that maybe if people were happy and had friends, there would be enough great ideas to make every dream come true in the Kingdom. Although the little princess with the golden curls died a horrible death being isolated and alone without any friends, her life served a purpose because it changed lives for the better.


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