Wednesday, February 04, 2009


On Monday I drove to Oregon Health Sciences University to see Dr. Lombardi at the Casey Eye Institute to check my cataracts that I was told I had years ago. I found out that I have high pressure in my right eye that they are concerned about that may require surgery. My left eye shows scarring of the retina. I remember when that happened. I was under severe stress and had high blood pressure at the time. I had a sea of floaters in my field of vision and was checked by a great doctor at Peace Health in Eugene who was very concerned about my vision. I learned that it is possible I have glaucoma. It seems like cataracts are the least of my problem at the moment. I could end up blind, which would cause a drastic change in my life so I couldn't see the beauty that surrounds me, or the birds, or the trees, or the words on the page of great books, or the words on my computer screen that I write.

Jeanine checked me before seeing Dr. Lombardi and she was the one who alerted Dr. Lombardi to the high pressure in my right eye. She is meticulous and careful and a nice person.

Karl took digital photos of my eyes afterwards and was great about explaining what was in the photos. He's a great guy who is professional and cares about doing an excellent job.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to be seen at OHSU where there is cutting edge research in all areas of medicine and the doctors care about helping their patients.

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