Monday, October 07, 2013

Rick Steves

The writer's conference, Write on the Sound in Edmonds, Washington was a great writing event on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this last weekend. The Edmonds Arts Commission did an outstanding job of orchestrating the entire conference and making it appear effortless as it went forward without any flaws. All needs were taken care of and anticipated. There was so much talent and high profile names at the conference as presenters--best selling authors, book and magazine editors with decades of experience from all across the country. I was in great conflict because I wanted to attend all the workshops and didn't want to make the hard choices.

When I saw the name Rick Steves, the travel writer, as a presenter, I wanted to attend. I've been watching Rick Steves on PBS for years. I admire him. He's the best at travel writing and sets the standard for excellence.

I sat in awe as Rick Steves shared tips on travel writing and talked about the importance of telling the truth and providing practical information that will help travelers save time. He collects stories about people and feels strongly that people "carbonate your experience." Asking questions, connecting with locals, having a local travel guide are essential to the process of understanding, coupled with a background knowledge of historical and political context as you view what is before you. I would love to work for Rick Steves to learn and grow and have the adventure of traveling all over Europe. He works 12 hour days. He doesn't enjoy the nightlife. He doesn't have time because in the evening, he is transcribing his notes for the day into his computer. His life is dedicated to helping and serving those who travel and to bring understanding among all people. He's great at breaking down barriers and helping people see connections where no one thought it was possible. He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his work that heals and brings understanding in the world. Rick Steves is a great writer and professional speaker. I sat mesmerized and could have listened for hours plus he's so handsome and charming. I'm the proud owner of one of his books that I bought at the conference, a signed copy of Postcards from Europe. He was gracious and kind to agree to a photo.

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