Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Oil Spill

I wonder when Congress is going to put laws in place that will prevent future oil spills from happening. I wonder when Congress is going to quit wasting time, quit taking money from special interest groups and work hard for the United States of America and the good of all. It isn't okay for a large corporation to pollute and destroy. Safeguards and preventions must be put into place so this can't happen.

We have President Bush to thank for the carte blanche policies that has allowed Big Oil to do what they want.

The reason why I am a Democrat is because I don't believe that local governments can govern without the check and balance system of the federal government. Someone must be the watch dog to make sure corruption is rooted out.

How much of each day in Congress is spent efficiently to bring forth solutions and answers? How much time is wasted? How much of the process in Congress prevents solutions, action, and resolution?

The damage caused by this oil spill in the Gulf impacts tourism, wildlife, the fishing industry, all cities along the coast and many miles inland, and will take years to recover. The assets of all who are responsible should be frozen and should pay for this damage.

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