Monday, May 14, 2007

This Is NOT the Life I Ordered

I just finished reading the book, THIS IS NOT THE LIFE I ORDERED--50 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR HEAD ABOVE WATER WHEN LIFE KEEPS DRAGGING YOU DOWN by Deborah Collins Stephens, Jackie Speier, Michealene Cristini Risley, and Jan Yanehiro. On the front cover is a quote by Amy Tan, one of my favorite authors, "...Inspiration to survive the worst luck and ...climb into a new life with unexpected happiness." I just got it for Mother's Day from my youngest son, Daniel. He also gave me fresh flowers and a wonderful Hallmark card that I will always keep.

This inspirational and motivational book that was just published this year has a clear message for women in my situation who have woke up one day and discovered that their life hasn't turned out as they expected. It's full of great quotes and inspiring stories of strong women. The clear message is that women, especially my age, have grown up believing that their husband will solve all the problems or a white knight on a silver horse will come and rescue them. This isn't the case. The clear message is to grow up and realize that we have to solve our own problems because there isn't anyone out there who is going to solve them for us. Unless we learn to reach out and learn, ask questions, and solve our own problems, we will continue to sit in our own muck.

I can't say that my life totally sucks. I just thought I would be rich, able to travel, and have accomplished great things in life by now. I do have many things to be thankful for so I will build on them, work on my writing, and do those things within my power to make my life better.

This is a book that I will read over and over through the coming years. It's worth buying a copy. Go to to order yourself a copy or to give one as a gift.

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