Friday, May 09, 2008

Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson on the CBS The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson is essential TV. Craig needs to be on EVERY night for two hours. If I were to watch one show a day, I've decided it needs to be The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He makes me happy, smile, and laugh. How does it get better than this?

So...when are you going to have Robert Downey Jr. on your show, Craig? He's another genius boy who is magic on the screen, like you.

And what about Jerry Lewis. I've always loved Jerry Lewis.

I was talking to my son, Benjamin on the phone who lives in Seattle and who works for Zymo Genetics. We laugh and joke around. We talk about American Idol and Survivor and other essential things. I told him how much I love Craig Ferguson and I found out that Ben and Daniel, my son who lives in Columbus, Ohio who works at Battelle and is working on his MBA at Ohio State University, saw Craig Ferguson in San Francisco as the main attraction at a comedy club. Wow! How exciting!

I think Craig needs to be cloned to spread his joy around. People need more laughter and joy today to balance out the sadness and heartache. I wish Craig was my brother or best friend. I'd love it, if I got to go to parties where he was at, stand around, talk, and laugh. He's so cute.

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