I was recently thinking of getting another dog. I love basset hounds and saint bernards best, but then I started of thinking of the waking me up in the middle of the night to let them outside and the walking even when I didn't want to go for a walk. I decided I'd stick with my two indoor cats who are low maintenance.
I do miss having a basset hound. I had two that I really miss--Howard and Humphrey. I got Howard as a puppy. His ears flopped into his water dish. When he walked, his ears hung to the floor almost. He was adorable and I always loved him. He could sit up on the couch with a paw on the side, just like a person. He used to drag his blanket around with him. We used to go for long walks. He went from one side of the sidewalk to the other sniffing bushes. Sometimes he would wander over to lick a cat. Howard had pizazz. He was named after Howard Stern. I figured it was appropriate, a Jewish long-eared dog with chutzpah. I always liked Howard Stern too. Now he's wealthy with a beautiful young wife in the Hamptons. Happiness to you always, Howard Stern and to my Howard the greatest of all basset hounds.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Air Car
There is an engineer in Nice, France who has been working on a car that runs on compressed air for the last 10 years. The company is MDI which stands for Motor Development International. It is a new kind of engine that is powered by air that can run at a speed of 110 kilometers an hour. Compressed air moves the pistons in the engine. Clean, breathable air is emited from the car. You can plug it into a home compressor to refill using only $2 in electricity for 4 hours. Gas is used to help compress the air. One tank of gas can take you all the way from LA to NYC. The cars are expected to be on the European market next year for under $14,000. This is the best hope I have heard about in awhile.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
John H. Appelgren

This is my Dad, John H. Appelgren who was mayor of Wolf Point, Montana from 1926 to 1928. His photo hangs in City Hall. I just received this photo from my cousin, Victor Gess. My Dad was born in 1890 and I was born in 1948. Both his parents, my grandparents, were born in Sweden. I sure hope that someday I can visit Sweden. I know I will love it there.
My Dad spoke several languages, earned a degree in law and veterinary science by taking classes through the mail, and won a writing contest with Reader's Digest Magazine.
Reading Challenge
I was rereading ON WRITING by Stephen King. On page 145, he says, "I'm a slow reader, but I usually get through seventy or eighty books a year, mostly fiction."
Do you read seventy or eighty books a year? This is a challenge that is worth trying to meet and work towards. See if you can start reading two books a week. At the end of a year, you will have read over 100 books. You will be so proud of yourself. Just think of all the things you will have learned and great books you will have discovered.
When I was growing up, my Dad used to read the Bible every night. He used to read the entire Bible several times every year. He also read one western book every night. I used to buy him stacks and stacks of western books. Can you read a book every day?
Do you read seventy or eighty books a year? This is a challenge that is worth trying to meet and work towards. See if you can start reading two books a week. At the end of a year, you will have read over 100 books. You will be so proud of yourself. Just think of all the things you will have learned and great books you will have discovered.
When I was growing up, my Dad used to read the Bible every night. He used to read the entire Bible several times every year. He also read one western book every night. I used to buy him stacks and stacks of western books. Can you read a book every day?
J. A. Jance
If you haven't discovered J.A. Jance yet, the great mystery writer, go to your nearest book store and grab several of her books. She has created great stories and the characters you love to read about.
DAMAGE CONTROL, a Joanna Brady mystery, number 13, just came out in hardback on July 22nd, 2008 and JUSTICE DENIED, a Beaumont mystery, number 18, is now available in paperback. J. A. Jance publishes with HarperCollins.
I love the J. P. Beaumont myteries series because the setting is in Seattle, where my son, Benjamin lives. The Joanna Brady mystery series takes place in Arizona and is equally great.
If you want to curl up with a great mystery written by the BEST mystery writer today, buy several books by J. A. Jance. You'll get hooked, like me. Check out her website to see if she is going to be at a bookstore near you so you can get your books signed. Someday I hope I get to meet her too.
DAMAGE CONTROL, a Joanna Brady mystery, number 13, just came out in hardback on July 22nd, 2008 and JUSTICE DENIED, a Beaumont mystery, number 18, is now available in paperback. J. A. Jance publishes with HarperCollins.
I love the J. P. Beaumont myteries series because the setting is in Seattle, where my son, Benjamin lives. The Joanna Brady mystery series takes place in Arizona and is equally great.
If you want to curl up with a great mystery written by the BEST mystery writer today, buy several books by J. A. Jance. You'll get hooked, like me. Check out her website to see if she is going to be at a bookstore near you so you can get your books signed. Someday I hope I get to meet her too.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Alsea Library
The Alsea Library is part of the Corvallis Library system. This means that because I live in Benton County in Oregon that I can check out any book I want from the library. The website is http://www.thebestlibrary.net/. It IS the best library system I have ever seen. They give great service and they have the BEST books on the shelves. When you browse the bookcases in Corvallis, you will find the newest books and every possible book in any topic you could want. It's amazing. The lady who set it up really knew what she was doing. She also set up the library in Seattle.
The only thing I would change in the Alsea Library is I would make it much bigger. There aren't any private rooms for study. It's one room where any talk disturbs anyone who wants to be quiet and just read. There aren't any individual study rooms for students or someone who loves to do research.
I'm grateful that we have a library in Alsea. It's needed. A library is probably one of the most important parts in any city. I feel it is essential.
The large room in back in the library is sometimes used for groups. Money is charged. Alsea is a little town. It would be better if the room could be used without any charge. We don't have a community center in Alsea and we need one. The last time I was at the library, I was asked to move with my laptop into the children's section. A few minutes later a meeting was held at the tables by city leaders. Evidently, they didn't want to pay the fee for the meeting room at the library.
I'm grateful for the great service and the opportunity to check out books from the library.
The only thing I would change in the Alsea Library is I would make it much bigger. There aren't any private rooms for study. It's one room where any talk disturbs anyone who wants to be quiet and just read. There aren't any individual study rooms for students or someone who loves to do research.
I'm grateful that we have a library in Alsea. It's needed. A library is probably one of the most important parts in any city. I feel it is essential.
The large room in back in the library is sometimes used for groups. Money is charged. Alsea is a little town. It would be better if the room could be used without any charge. We don't have a community center in Alsea and we need one. The last time I was at the library, I was asked to move with my laptop into the children's section. A few minutes later a meeting was held at the tables by city leaders. Evidently, they didn't want to pay the fee for the meeting room at the library.
I'm grateful for the great service and the opportunity to check out books from the library.
Windows Updates
My computer is slower than molasses. I have dialup. It's been several hours and we're downloading three critical updates. It's now at 51%.
Jet Pilots
In the Gazette Times this morning was a story on the front page about a pilot flying a Quantas jet and landing safely in the Philippines, even though there was "a hole the size of a small car" in the side of the Boeing 747. Wow! That's amazing flying. I wonder what happened. The pilot is a true hero. He's the kind of pilot that everyone wants to have behind the cockpit handling the controls.
Pilots should have a strong voice in whatever happens in the skies since they are the ones who know and they are the ones who are risking everything. If they say that they want enough fuel for an emergency, give it to them. If they need to rest, give them time off. Whatever they feel is necessary to fly a plane safely, should be given to them.
Pilots should have a strong voice in whatever happens in the skies since they are the ones who know and they are the ones who are risking everything. If they say that they want enough fuel for an emergency, give it to them. If they need to rest, give them time off. Whatever they feel is necessary to fly a plane safely, should be given to them.
Philip Roth
I just finished PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT by Philip Roth. Before that I read EVERYMAN by him.
I laughed. I got angry. I was shocked at some parts. Most of the time I laughed through both books. He sees people from the inside out. I'm in awe of Roth's dialogue, internal dialogue, and brute honesty. Now I'm a fan.
Here's my new favorite writing quote:
"All you have to do is sit down and work! And so I set forth--sitting down--to become a writer who is dazzling, and with no reason to believe that where my desire was altogether naked and out in the open where nothing in me need any longer to be stilled or intimidated by the wish of others; where mine was the imagination totally in charge, I could not but become exactly what I wanted." by Philip Roth in PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT on page 282.
I laughed. I got angry. I was shocked at some parts. Most of the time I laughed through both books. He sees people from the inside out. I'm in awe of Roth's dialogue, internal dialogue, and brute honesty. Now I'm a fan.
Here's my new favorite writing quote:
"All you have to do is sit down and work! And so I set forth--sitting down--to become a writer who is dazzling, and with no reason to believe that where my desire was altogether naked and out in the open where nothing in me need any longer to be stilled or intimidated by the wish of others; where mine was the imagination totally in charge, I could not but become exactly what I wanted." by Philip Roth in PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT on page 282.
Craig Ferguson
I appreciate watching The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson. He's always funny. He makes me laugh.
It was nice to see Wayne Newton on your show. What a nice guy! He obviously has a kind heart since he loves animals so much. Wayne Newton is Mr. Las Vegas because he's a great entertainer.
I like the green sparkling jacket, Craig. Both are really nice. If you are in Las Vegas often, you might need both of them. The silver one is snazzy too.
Griffin House performed on your show. They're fantastic. Everyone needs to run out and buy their CD--Flying Upside Down.
Thanks for telling everyone about Carl Sagan's book, Craig. I just requested it from the library. I've always loved Carl Sagan. When I homeschooled my children, I bought four copies of the book, Cosmos by Carl Sagan from the Book of the Month Club for all of us to read out loud. I decided it would be a great astronomy text.
I love your show, Craig, just like the rest of America. You have lots of fans. I think you're perfect just the way you are. You must have been so much fun even as a little boy. I bet that when you went through school you had a hard time not laughing. I'm grateful you're on television. I'm grateful, like so many people, that you are here to make everyone laugh. You make me laugh.
I have to be honest that I really didn't like that lady from the X-Files. She kept picking on you with little comments. I didn't like it at all. You're perfect just the way you are and I hope you don't have any more guests like that on your show. You should bring your mother on the show. She could whisk away any guests like this with a duster. I bet she agrees with me.
I wish you were part of my family, Craig. The world needs more people just like you.
You need a band and everything you want from CBS, Craig. You deserve everything you want for making people laugh and bringing joy into people's lives. Bless you. You've captured the hearts of America. You've won. You did it. You're the funniest guy. You're the BEST!
Welcome to the United States of America, Craig! The U.S. is a much better country because of you.
It was nice to see Wayne Newton on your show. What a nice guy! He obviously has a kind heart since he loves animals so much. Wayne Newton is Mr. Las Vegas because he's a great entertainer.
I like the green sparkling jacket, Craig. Both are really nice. If you are in Las Vegas often, you might need both of them. The silver one is snazzy too.
Griffin House performed on your show. They're fantastic. Everyone needs to run out and buy their CD--Flying Upside Down.
Thanks for telling everyone about Carl Sagan's book, Craig. I just requested it from the library. I've always loved Carl Sagan. When I homeschooled my children, I bought four copies of the book, Cosmos by Carl Sagan from the Book of the Month Club for all of us to read out loud. I decided it would be a great astronomy text.
I love your show, Craig, just like the rest of America. You have lots of fans. I think you're perfect just the way you are. You must have been so much fun even as a little boy. I bet that when you went through school you had a hard time not laughing. I'm grateful you're on television. I'm grateful, like so many people, that you are here to make everyone laugh. You make me laugh.
I have to be honest that I really didn't like that lady from the X-Files. She kept picking on you with little comments. I didn't like it at all. You're perfect just the way you are and I hope you don't have any more guests like that on your show. You should bring your mother on the show. She could whisk away any guests like this with a duster. I bet she agrees with me.
I wish you were part of my family, Craig. The world needs more people just like you.
You need a band and everything you want from CBS, Craig. You deserve everything you want for making people laugh and bringing joy into people's lives. Bless you. You've captured the hearts of America. You've won. You did it. You're the funniest guy. You're the BEST!
Welcome to the United States of America, Craig! The U.S. is a much better country because of you.
The new water, SPRING, put out by Coke tastes sweet. It's my new favorite water. My water of choice. Now I'm spoiled. I'm working on my second case and I love it. Thank you, Coca Cola!
The Big Idea
I love watching the Big Idea with Donny Deutsch. There is so much information packed in this show that is important to learn that I have to take notes. I'm glad I have Tivo so I can back it up when I can't keep up with the multi-levels of great information. It was nice to see Eric Trump. What an outstanding young man!
One big thing I'm learning is that it is important not to be too nice in business. In the last few years, this is the feedback I've received in the work place:
"You're too nice."
"You're a Miss Goody Two-Shoes."
"You care too much about doing the right thing."
"You try too hard."
"You try too hard to fit in."
"You're so enthusiastic."
"Sponge Bob"
"You're conscientious."
"You're friendly."
"You could sell anyone anything."
"You're too competitive."
"Your learning curve is phenomenal."
"Do you always smile?"
"Do you always see everything as positive?"
As a writer, I can be whatever I want. I'm working on developing a thicker skin, not smiling so much, and not being nice to just anyone who walks about. I'll be fair. I'll listen. I'm going to work hard at my writing to accomplish my goals. That's it.
One big thing I'm learning is that it is important not to be too nice in business. In the last few years, this is the feedback I've received in the work place:
"You're too nice."
"You're a Miss Goody Two-Shoes."
"You care too much about doing the right thing."
"You try too hard."
"You try too hard to fit in."
"You're so enthusiastic."
"Sponge Bob"
"You're conscientious."
"You're friendly."
"You could sell anyone anything."
"You're too competitive."
"Your learning curve is phenomenal."
"Do you always smile?"
"Do you always see everything as positive?"
As a writer, I can be whatever I want. I'm working on developing a thicker skin, not smiling so much, and not being nice to just anyone who walks about. I'll be fair. I'll listen. I'm going to work hard at my writing to accomplish my goals. That's it.
Water Car
I was watching High Net Worth on CNBC and saw the new Honda car that uses water as fuel with no environmental damage. It must have a boiler and emits steam. Sounds promising. I wonder if they use sewer water that's been treated. It would be a super waste of precious water to use good water that is drinkable or that can be used on crops.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yurt and Breakfast
I want to put up several yurts along the edge of our property next to South Fork Road. I want to have a Yurt and Breakfast. I could deliver baskets in the morning with muffins, and bottles of juice and water or people could pick up the baskets at the yurt I would have as a little shop to sell produce and things I make. I wouldn't even have to bake since I could go to Costco or buy muffins at the grocery store. I don't have the money to invest in yurts. I may have to just write a novel that takes place in Alsea where the main character has a yurt and breakfast. I think it would be fun. It would be a great home business. Now if I could just figure out how to make it happen.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
"Writing, at its best, is a lonely life. Organizations for writers palliate the writer's lonliness but I doubt if they improve his writing. He grows in public stature as he sheds his lonliness and often his work deteriorates. For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer, he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day."
Ernest Hemingway--Nobel Prize acceptance speech
I wrote for 6 hours today and now I'm going to read.
Yesterday I wrote for 4 hours.
Ernest Hemingway--Nobel Prize acceptance speech
I wrote for 6 hours today and now I'm going to read.
Yesterday I wrote for 4 hours.
I got up at 4:44 a.m. this morning. I've been busy working on a writing project and having fun as words come together on the page. Yesterday was a productive writing day. I find that writing is essential for a good day. Writing nourishes my soul and allows my heart to heal. I'm grateful that I have the time and opportunity to spend my days as I want.
Consumers Power
Our electrical power comes from Consumers Power in Corvallis. They came out to Alsea two days ago to cut some branches that were obstructing a power line. After my husband asked, they were nice to give us the wood chips from the branches on our property. We're putting the wood chips around our blueberry bushes. Thank you Consumers Power!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Craig Ferguson
Craig Ferguson, the host of The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS will be at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas from July 24 through July 30. Everyone should book a flight to go to see him.
Who would I want to see in Las Vegas, IF I could afford to go? I would want to see Craig Ferguson, Elton John at Cesars Palace (7-23 to 8-2), Wayne Newton at the MGM, and Jerry Seinfeld will be at Caesars Palace from 8-8 to 8-9. I couldn't find any mention of Jerry Lewis appearing anywhere when I did a brief look around, nor did I see Chris Isaac who is an amazing performer.
I've never been to Las Vegas. For me, it doesn't have the aura of a happy place because my oldest son died in Las Vegas on August 28, 1995. Aaron worked at the Westward Ho and at Sam Goodie. He had a membership to the gym. He loved to work out. I talked to him the day before and he was fine. We got the call that said that he left his shift at the Westward Ho and took an overdose of pills. Les hired an investigator but it came up zilch, no information. The family wasn't allowed to identify his body so sometimes I wonder whether he was murdered or if he is in the cript in South Salem? I know we don't have all the answers. I know he didn't feel safe because he tried to find a way to leave. He kept asking everyone if he could live with them or if they would help him and everyone said no. Les said no and that's one reason why I have a hard time living with him. I feel it is left up in the air, unsettled, a mystery. I know there is nothing I can do about it but I need to know the truth for my peace of mind and for my children.
Aaron was amazing. He was smart, kind, creative, and fun. I will always miss him every day. As I write this tears are streaming down my cheeks. This is the way it is for me. Always missing Aaron.
Who would I want to see in Las Vegas, IF I could afford to go? I would want to see Craig Ferguson, Elton John at Cesars Palace (7-23 to 8-2), Wayne Newton at the MGM, and Jerry Seinfeld will be at Caesars Palace from 8-8 to 8-9. I couldn't find any mention of Jerry Lewis appearing anywhere when I did a brief look around, nor did I see Chris Isaac who is an amazing performer.
I've never been to Las Vegas. For me, it doesn't have the aura of a happy place because my oldest son died in Las Vegas on August 28, 1995. Aaron worked at the Westward Ho and at Sam Goodie. He had a membership to the gym. He loved to work out. I talked to him the day before and he was fine. We got the call that said that he left his shift at the Westward Ho and took an overdose of pills. Les hired an investigator but it came up zilch, no information. The family wasn't allowed to identify his body so sometimes I wonder whether he was murdered or if he is in the cript in South Salem? I know we don't have all the answers. I know he didn't feel safe because he tried to find a way to leave. He kept asking everyone if he could live with them or if they would help him and everyone said no. Les said no and that's one reason why I have a hard time living with him. I feel it is left up in the air, unsettled, a mystery. I know there is nothing I can do about it but I need to know the truth for my peace of mind and for my children.
Aaron was amazing. He was smart, kind, creative, and fun. I will always miss him every day. As I write this tears are streaming down my cheeks. This is the way it is for me. Always missing Aaron.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm writing every day and reading every day since I'm staying home full time. I've been home a month since June 12th. After I committed to a full time writing schedule, I've finished two writing projects and got them in the mail. It's amazing what you can get done when you keep your rear end in the chair consistently day after day for hours.
I've been walking up South Mountain Road behind my house almost every day for at least 30 minutes. In addition to this, I'm working in my garden. I need to also include Gilad's Total Body Sculpt that I save on my Tivo and ride my exercise bike. So far no weight loss. Something's got to work eventually.
I had to give up my membership to Timberhill Athletic Club. I can't afford it since I'm home and not working. I miss it. I miss swimming in the deep water. I'm staying in Alsea so Timberhill isn't realistic with continued rising gas prices that are out of control.
I'll do what I have available to me and what I can do each day.
I had to give up my membership to Timberhill Athletic Club. I can't afford it since I'm home and not working. I miss it. I miss swimming in the deep water. I'm staying in Alsea so Timberhill isn't realistic with continued rising gas prices that are out of control.
I'll do what I have available to me and what I can do each day.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Willamette Writers
Another great issue of the newsletter for Willamette Writers came in the mail two days ago. Every month there are great articles, insights and wisdom for the writer. Even if you can't go to the meetings, it's worth it to join Willamette Writers just for the articles in the newsletter. It's like getting another writing magazine.
I love reading anything that Cynthia Whitcomb writes who is the President of Willamette Writers. I also love reading Jessica Morrell's columns. All of the contributing writers are great and amazing. Cynthia has such great insight into human behavior. I think that a great writer does and has to have this understanding in order to write great scripts and novels. I wish I lived next door to her and could have coffee once in awhile. I think she's perfect just the way she is.
I wish I could come to the Conference. I wish I could volunteer to be part of the ongoing process of what happens with Willamette Writers but I live far away and have zero bucks to make anything happen in my life that would be fun. I think you have to live in Portland to get the full flavor of Willamette Writers or you must have enough money to be able to travel and keep up with them.
I'm concentrating on the habit of writing every day for several hours and keep it up so that I can start turning out novel after novel. Thank you, Cynthia Whitcomb for another great writing lesson in the newsletter.
I love reading anything that Cynthia Whitcomb writes who is the President of Willamette Writers. I also love reading Jessica Morrell's columns. All of the contributing writers are great and amazing. Cynthia has such great insight into human behavior. I think that a great writer does and has to have this understanding in order to write great scripts and novels. I wish I lived next door to her and could have coffee once in awhile. I think she's perfect just the way she is.
I wish I could come to the Conference. I wish I could volunteer to be part of the ongoing process of what happens with Willamette Writers but I live far away and have zero bucks to make anything happen in my life that would be fun. I think you have to live in Portland to get the full flavor of Willamette Writers or you must have enough money to be able to travel and keep up with them.
I'm concentrating on the habit of writing every day for several hours and keep it up so that I can start turning out novel after novel. Thank you, Cynthia Whitcomb for another great writing lesson in the newsletter.
Craig Ferguson
The Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson is back and I'd glad. I missed you, Craig. You make me laugh. You need to be on two hours a night, seven days a week. If you want to go somewhere and travel, CBS should follow you around and film you on location. You also need a band and a sidekick. I'll be your sidekick. That would be fun.
Rudy...this is a new development. I love it. You are going to get lots of great material.
Chris Isaak....I didn't know anything about Chris Isaak, until I watched him tonight on your show. He sang, "I'll go crazy." And I went crazy for Chris Isaak. What a great performer. I can see why he is a Las Vegas star. Go see him. It's worth going to Las Vegas just to see him. I had to rewind the Tivo 5 times just to watch him again and again because he was so fabulous. He's that good. He's got it all going on--sexy, great talent, nice, and an amazing entertainer.
Julie Andrews....I need to read her new children's book, Simeon's Gift. I find time after time that entertainer books or celebrity children's books are always amazing. I think it is because gifted and talented people have their gifts spill over into all areas of their life. No wonder they start coming up with writing great children's books.
I'm glad you're back, Craig. I need to laugh so I need you to be there. CBS needs to give you a raise and a band.
Rudy...this is a new development. I love it. You are going to get lots of great material.
Chris Isaak....I didn't know anything about Chris Isaak, until I watched him tonight on your show. He sang, "I'll go crazy." And I went crazy for Chris Isaak. What a great performer. I can see why he is a Las Vegas star. Go see him. It's worth going to Las Vegas just to see him. I had to rewind the Tivo 5 times just to watch him again and again because he was so fabulous. He's that good. He's got it all going on--sexy, great talent, nice, and an amazing entertainer.
Julie Andrews....I need to read her new children's book, Simeon's Gift. I find time after time that entertainer books or celebrity children's books are always amazing. I think it is because gifted and talented people have their gifts spill over into all areas of their life. No wonder they start coming up with writing great children's books.
I'm glad you're back, Craig. I need to laugh so I need you to be there. CBS needs to give you a raise and a band.
Time Magazine
Time Magazine brings world leaders and news into your home. The July 21, 2008 issue has Nelson Mandela on the cover with his lesson on the secrets of leadership on page 43. The article is by Richard Stengel. Words of wisdom from Mandela are liberally sprinkled throughout the article. The eight secrets are:
1. Courage is not the absence of fear--it's inspiring others to move beyond it.
2. Lead from the front--but don't leave your base behind.
3. Lead from the back--and let others believe they are in front.
4. Know your enemy--and learn about his favorite sport.
5. Keep your friends close--and your rivals even closer.
6. Appearances matter--and remember to smile.
7. Nothing is black or white.
8. Quitting is leading too.
One thing that I know is that in order to be a leader, you must have a support system of people who believe in you. You can't be a leader without it.
Subscribe or go online to read every issue.
1. Courage is not the absence of fear--it's inspiring others to move beyond it.
2. Lead from the front--but don't leave your base behind.
3. Lead from the back--and let others believe they are in front.
4. Know your enemy--and learn about his favorite sport.
5. Keep your friends close--and your rivals even closer.
6. Appearances matter--and remember to smile.
7. Nothing is black or white.
8. Quitting is leading too.
One thing that I know is that in order to be a leader, you must have a support system of people who believe in you. You can't be a leader without it.
Subscribe or go online to read every issue.
I wrote the following words this morning.
WiFi Devastation
The powers that be in Alsea
sucked out the content
of my laptop and e-mail
to search for
that will give them a clue.
I enjoyed for brief moments
the Maui Writer's Conference
but the cost was deadly.
The result was trauma.
No one came up to say,
"How do you do?"
"Can I help you?"
"I'm here to listen."
"I care."
"I'd like to be a friend."
They swarm in the background
to look, poke, and prod
to try to figure out who I am.
They don't ask.
They don't communicate.
Instead they use intrusive
ways to get information.
Will I return to the Alsea Library?
No friends there.
No safe haven.
Why does this have to happen in the United States of America? Why are e-mail records and computer records pulled when it is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution? I haven't done anything wrong and yet this behavior has been ongoing. It isn't right.
It isn't fair that my private conversations are recorded in my car, in my home, at work, and on the phone. Stuff has been taken out of my car. Ideas have been taken. Things have been taken out of my home. There is new barbed wire around our fence surrounding our garden area. I didn't put it up. My husband didn't put it up. Someone put it up when we were gone. Who? We didn't give permission to anyone to put it up so we put up no trespassing signs. Why would someone put up barbed wire on someone else's property without getting permission? Why would someone do that anyway?
I was just watching a commercial today on the Young and the Restless for Ensure. I remember telling my son in our car a few years ago that the marketing should change to a younger demographic, instead of just marketing to the elderly since Ensure is packed with nutrition. A few months later, a marketing campaign came out that did just that and the actor in the commercial looks like he is a relative of the Mormon attorney that has an office in Salem and Albany who violated our legal rights. It's such a betrayal to have someone who has been in your home and go to church with you at the Four Corners Ward in Salem to hurt you.
I was told by a Mormon woman before we left Gates that I should live as if I am being watched and every word is recorded at all times. I guess she knew what was going to happen. I didn't think anything of it at the time but it can explain why people know what I think before I tell anyone. My patriarchial blessing that I was given when I was in this church said that my tongue would be loosed and that some would call my name blessed. Well, I don't think that this church is calling my name blessed now.
The exact words in my patriarchal blessing in the 2 page single spaced document written by Richard Sellers on December 3, 1995, a few months after I joined this blankety, blank church are "Many will call your name blessed for that which you will give unto them." Okay...if this were true, how can I accomplish my purpose to help anyone if I am elbowed into the corner, forced into isolation because every time I try to accomplish anything I am stopped like a rat in a maze? This is called conditioned response. If you apply negative reinforcement every time someone tries to do something or go in a direction, eventually they will stop. So are you happy now? Does this make you feel proud of yourself? So I pour my heart and soul into my writing.
Why are these kinds of things allowed to happen in Oregon and in the United States of America? Why does the Democratic Party of Oregon and the Democratic Governor of Oregon allow this to happen to citizens who haven't done anything wrong? It is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. This isn't right. It's extremely stressful and I'm tired of it.
It isn't right that people film you without your consent or knowledge and yet this has been the case more than once. After I started working, cameras were set up at Joann Fabrics and conversations around the cutting area and cash registers were recorded. When I was working at Beaver Creek Software, conversations were recorded. I didn't give permission to be filmed in the classroom at the high school at Philomath. This kind of intrusive behavior has been encouraged by professors at Oregon State University. I haven't given permission for any filming or recording to anyone. Now we have U-tube privacy violations and other Internet privacy violations. Hidden cameras are an intrusion and a violation of the US Constitution. This needs to be stopped. A cease and desist order should be given.
I enjoy people. I like to trust people. I forgive over and over but no one says they are sorry. No one fesses up. No one talks to me here. No close friends, just people who ask me lots of questions. I try hard every day to make it a great day but when things like this happen, it isn't much fun. I need great memories to replace all the bad ones. I work hard each day to create my own good memories and to be productive. We're staying in Alsea because this is where we can afford to live. I'm staying at home and making my world in my garden, my home, my reading, and my writing.
These things shouldn't be allowed to happen in this country, not without due process, not without proof of wrong doing. President Bush allowed all this to come about. Members of Congress allowed it to happen and voted for it without reading the bills. I'd like to see other people live under these conditions. If I stay home all the time, maybe this stuff won't happen any more so I'm not moving and I'm not going anywhere and I'm not leaving Alsea.
What really makes me mad is I like attention and being in front of an audience. I have the right to make money just like everyone else. What's been happening to me is stealing, cutting me off at the knees, destroying my confidence, and designed to make me question myself. Nothing less than psychological rape. Shame on all you hooligans!
WiFi Devastation
The powers that be in Alsea
sucked out the content
of my laptop and e-mail
to search for
that will give them a clue.
I enjoyed for brief moments
the Maui Writer's Conference
but the cost was deadly.
The result was trauma.
No one came up to say,
"How do you do?"
"Can I help you?"
"I'm here to listen."
"I care."
"I'd like to be a friend."
They swarm in the background
to look, poke, and prod
to try to figure out who I am.
They don't ask.
They don't communicate.
Instead they use intrusive
ways to get information.
Will I return to the Alsea Library?
No friends there.
No safe haven.
Why does this have to happen in the United States of America? Why are e-mail records and computer records pulled when it is a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution? I haven't done anything wrong and yet this behavior has been ongoing. It isn't right.
It isn't fair that my private conversations are recorded in my car, in my home, at work, and on the phone. Stuff has been taken out of my car. Ideas have been taken. Things have been taken out of my home. There is new barbed wire around our fence surrounding our garden area. I didn't put it up. My husband didn't put it up. Someone put it up when we were gone. Who? We didn't give permission to anyone to put it up so we put up no trespassing signs. Why would someone put up barbed wire on someone else's property without getting permission? Why would someone do that anyway?
I was just watching a commercial today on the Young and the Restless for Ensure. I remember telling my son in our car a few years ago that the marketing should change to a younger demographic, instead of just marketing to the elderly since Ensure is packed with nutrition. A few months later, a marketing campaign came out that did just that and the actor in the commercial looks like he is a relative of the Mormon attorney that has an office in Salem and Albany who violated our legal rights. It's such a betrayal to have someone who has been in your home and go to church with you at the Four Corners Ward in Salem to hurt you.
I was told by a Mormon woman before we left Gates that I should live as if I am being watched and every word is recorded at all times. I guess she knew what was going to happen. I didn't think anything of it at the time but it can explain why people know what I think before I tell anyone. My patriarchial blessing that I was given when I was in this church said that my tongue would be loosed and that some would call my name blessed. Well, I don't think that this church is calling my name blessed now.
The exact words in my patriarchal blessing in the 2 page single spaced document written by Richard Sellers on December 3, 1995, a few months after I joined this blankety, blank church are "Many will call your name blessed for that which you will give unto them." Okay...if this were true, how can I accomplish my purpose to help anyone if I am elbowed into the corner, forced into isolation because every time I try to accomplish anything I am stopped like a rat in a maze? This is called conditioned response. If you apply negative reinforcement every time someone tries to do something or go in a direction, eventually they will stop. So are you happy now? Does this make you feel proud of yourself? So I pour my heart and soul into my writing.
Why are these kinds of things allowed to happen in Oregon and in the United States of America? Why does the Democratic Party of Oregon and the Democratic Governor of Oregon allow this to happen to citizens who haven't done anything wrong? It is a violation of the U.S. Constitution. This isn't right. It's extremely stressful and I'm tired of it.
It isn't right that people film you without your consent or knowledge and yet this has been the case more than once. After I started working, cameras were set up at Joann Fabrics and conversations around the cutting area and cash registers were recorded. When I was working at Beaver Creek Software, conversations were recorded. I didn't give permission to be filmed in the classroom at the high school at Philomath. This kind of intrusive behavior has been encouraged by professors at Oregon State University. I haven't given permission for any filming or recording to anyone. Now we have U-tube privacy violations and other Internet privacy violations. Hidden cameras are an intrusion and a violation of the US Constitution. This needs to be stopped. A cease and desist order should be given.
I enjoy people. I like to trust people. I forgive over and over but no one says they are sorry. No one fesses up. No one talks to me here. No close friends, just people who ask me lots of questions. I try hard every day to make it a great day but when things like this happen, it isn't much fun. I need great memories to replace all the bad ones. I work hard each day to create my own good memories and to be productive. We're staying in Alsea because this is where we can afford to live. I'm staying at home and making my world in my garden, my home, my reading, and my writing.
These things shouldn't be allowed to happen in this country, not without due process, not without proof of wrong doing. President Bush allowed all this to come about. Members of Congress allowed it to happen and voted for it without reading the bills. I'd like to see other people live under these conditions. If I stay home all the time, maybe this stuff won't happen any more so I'm not moving and I'm not going anywhere and I'm not leaving Alsea.
What really makes me mad is I like attention and being in front of an audience. I have the right to make money just like everyone else. What's been happening to me is stealing, cutting me off at the knees, destroying my confidence, and designed to make me question myself. Nothing less than psychological rape. Shame on all you hooligans!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Donny Deutsch
My new favorite show is The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch. It's on CNBC. Tonight Donny had on several guests to talk about the alpha male and how women need to behave and look in order to succeed in business. It's interesting. It went through everything from body language to lists of things not to do and lists of things that you need to do. If you want to learn how to succeed in business, I would definately recommend watching The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch.
Tour de France
I was talking to my son, Benjamin, on the phone yesterday. It sounds like he has his eyes glued to the television watching the Tour de France which he does every year. A Tivo is making it easier this year. I decided to start watching and ride my exercise bike.
I was thinking that we need to have Tour USA or maybe we could call it The Ultimate Tour USA and have bicycles ride across the United States. Every town could welcome the racers. It could be bigger than the Tour de France. It could be almost better, which would be hard. It would be great if the bicycles ride past my house. I'd sit outside in a lawn chair and cheer.
Tour USA needs to start in Boston or New York City and end in Eugene, Oregon at the University of Oregon with a big Nike finish.
I was thinking that we need to have Tour USA or maybe we could call it The Ultimate Tour USA and have bicycles ride across the United States. Every town could welcome the racers. It could be bigger than the Tour de France. It could be almost better, which would be hard. It would be great if the bicycles ride past my house. I'd sit outside in a lawn chair and cheer.
Tour USA needs to start in Boston or New York City and end in Eugene, Oregon at the University of Oregon with a big Nike finish.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Barbara Jurchen
I was going through my purse today and found the business card for Barbara Jurchen who is an Optician at the Optical Shop at the Casey Eye Institute on the Oregon Health & Science University campus. I took the card because I was impressed by her. She's the kind of person who takes her work seriously. She's a profectionist who wants to get it right and will keep at it until she's satisfied. I liked her. She's personable and goes the distance to do a good job for those she helps.
The address is 3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd in Portland 97239
The phone number is 503-418-9230.
Her e-mail is cel2020@gmail.com
If you live in the Portland area and want or need eye glasses, go to see Barbara Jurchen.
The address is 3375 SW Terwilliger Blvd in Portland 97239
The phone number is 503-418-9230.
Her e-mail is cel2020@gmail.com
If you live in the Portland area and want or need eye glasses, go to see Barbara Jurchen.
Katzinger's Delicatessen
When Les was in Columbus, Ohio to visit Daniel, they went to a great Jewish Deli named Katzinger's Delicatessen. He brought home the menu and it looks like a wonderful deli. Les ordered Big Bob's Belly Balancer which is hot corned beef, hot pastrami on hand-sliced Jewish rye with spicy brown mustard, and creamy cole slaw. It's sounds delicious and Les said it was.
If you are ever in the Columbus area go to 475 South 3rd Street. Their website is www.katzingers.com. The phone number is 614-228-Deli.
If you are ever in the Columbus area go to 475 South 3rd Street. Their website is www.katzingers.com. The phone number is 614-228-Deli.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
The Friday Night Knitting Club
You know you are reading a great book when you laugh, cry, and you love the characters as friends at the end. This has been my experience reading Kate Jacobs' book, THE FRIDAY NIGHT KNITTING CLUB. I loved reading this book. I didn't want to finish it right away so I stretched it out to think about it and savor the wisdom sprinkled throughout about friendship. Now I want to read anything Kate Jacobs writes. www.katejacobs.com
Runners in Seattle
The best runners in Seattle train at Green Lake. With all the talent and prowess of these gifted runners located in this area, I don't understand why someone hasn't built a runner's gym in Green Lake. There needs to be a deep water pool for running for athletes who are injured. There should be a special gym tailored just for the runner with trainers and equipment. I'm really shocked that there isn't one. Someone needs to think about building one........
Rafael Nadal
Tennis is shifting, twisting, pivoting, and sometimes skidding and turning. It's THE civilized sport.
I've never seen better tennis than the men's final at Wimbledon 2008. The longest championship match in Wimbledon history for a total of 4 hours and 48 minutes lasting until 9:18 p.m. in London today. Rafael Nadal is the 2008 Wimbledon Champion at 22 years old. Both Nadal and Roger Federer, the 5-time Wimbledon Champion hit impossible shots going into a fifth set. The drama and excitement just didn't stop until the end. This will probably be labeled the greatest tennis match in Wimbledon history. Rafael Nadal from Spain is everything that a champion should be and everyone can take pride that such a great champion won Wimbledon 2008. Spain can celebrate and the world will enjoy watching Rafael Nadal play tennis for scores of years to come.
I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to watch it live in Oregon on DirecTV. I love tennis!
I've never seen better tennis than the men's final at Wimbledon 2008. The longest championship match in Wimbledon history for a total of 4 hours and 48 minutes lasting until 9:18 p.m. in London today. Rafael Nadal is the 2008 Wimbledon Champion at 22 years old. Both Nadal and Roger Federer, the 5-time Wimbledon Champion hit impossible shots going into a fifth set. The drama and excitement just didn't stop until the end. This will probably be labeled the greatest tennis match in Wimbledon history. Rafael Nadal from Spain is everything that a champion should be and everyone can take pride that such a great champion won Wimbledon 2008. Spain can celebrate and the world will enjoy watching Rafael Nadal play tennis for scores of years to come.
I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to watch it live in Oregon on DirecTV. I love tennis!
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
My husband, Leslie, flew to Columbus, Ohio on Thursday, July 3rd as a gift from our son, Daniel. Les hasn't flown anywhere in about 8 years and hasn't been to Columbus yet to visit Daniel so he'll have a wonderful time. Les will return on Monday, July 7th. He's flying Delta and had a perfect flight to Columbus via Cinncinnati.
I love Columbus. It's a beautiful city. It's so well planned compared to the cities that I know. It has everything a big city has but you can get to everything quickly. Everything seems to be a distance of 15 minutes at the most. Not only this but the streets are wide and spacious. It's a clean city. I love seeing the Olentangy River with the gorgeous manicured parks and trails next to the river. Such great care was taken by the planning commission. There are several streets that get you anywhere fast that aren't crowded and without a lot of street lights. I just talked to Les and they are off to the new CSI exhibit at the Science Museum. Columbus has broadway plays, an art museum, great restaurants, and everything else you could want in a city.
I love Columbus. It's a beautiful city. It's so well planned compared to the cities that I know. It has everything a big city has but you can get to everything quickly. Everything seems to be a distance of 15 minutes at the most. Not only this but the streets are wide and spacious. It's a clean city. I love seeing the Olentangy River with the gorgeous manicured parks and trails next to the river. Such great care was taken by the planning commission. There are several streets that get you anywhere fast that aren't crowded and without a lot of street lights. I just talked to Les and they are off to the new CSI exhibit at the Science Museum. Columbus has broadway plays, an art museum, great restaurants, and everything else you could want in a city.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
My Garden
My garden is starting to take off. So far I have planted corn, peas, squash, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, asparagus, and basil. It's fun to see everything grow and take care of it.
I'm also trying to attack all the weeds. Our riding lawn mower is broken so I can't mow the lawn. I've decided to concentrate on the weeds right now until my husband is well enough to fix the lawn mower.
I had a gift of barnyard manure from the goat farm next door today. I'm grateful. Alsea Acre Farm has goats and goat cheese that is made at the farm and is sent throughout Oregon. Go to the website at http://home.earthlink.net/~luvsgoats/Alsea%20Acre/. E-mail: luvsgoats@earthlink.net. Call to order goat cheese at 1-888-316-4628.
I'm also trying to attack all the weeds. Our riding lawn mower is broken so I can't mow the lawn. I've decided to concentrate on the weeds right now until my husband is well enough to fix the lawn mower.
I had a gift of barnyard manure from the goat farm next door today. I'm grateful. Alsea Acre Farm has goats and goat cheese that is made at the farm and is sent throughout Oregon. Go to the website at http://home.earthlink.net/~luvsgoats/Alsea%20Acre/. E-mail: luvsgoats@earthlink.net. Call to order goat cheese at 1-888-316-4628.
Casey Eye Institute
Yesterday, my husband, Leslie had cataract surgery at the Casey Eye Institute in Portland at Oregon Health Sciences University. The surgeon was Dr. Michael Lloyd. Les didn't have any problems or pain. He's doing fine and it's due to the skill of Dr. Lloyd and everyone else who took care of him.
I couldn't help thinking when Dr. Lloyd checked Les at 5 p.m. that his mother must be very proud of him. He's very young, smart, and he takes pride in his work. It was nice to see. Dr. Lloyd is a medical hero and I'm grateful for his great skill as a surgeon. It's amazing what's possible with all the new advances in microsurgery. What Les appreciated most was that Dr. Lloyd told him the truth about the potential risks of the surgery and spent time talking to him about it. Dr. Lloyd is a keeper!
I learned that the James and George Casey Eye Institute is connected with United Parcel Service and the Elks Club. The Elks Club is a charitable organization that funds surgery for children at the Casey Eye Institute. James Casey, founder of UPS, has an inspirational quote posted at the Institute--"Our horizon is as distant as our mind's eye wishes it to be."
If I had the money to do what I wanted while we were in Portland, I would have wanted to visit the Portland Art Museum, Powells Book Store, and walk on the beautiful walking path next to the Willamette River downtown. Maybe another time. Portland is a beautiful city.
I couldn't help thinking when Dr. Lloyd checked Les at 5 p.m. that his mother must be very proud of him. He's very young, smart, and he takes pride in his work. It was nice to see. Dr. Lloyd is a medical hero and I'm grateful for his great skill as a surgeon. It's amazing what's possible with all the new advances in microsurgery. What Les appreciated most was that Dr. Lloyd told him the truth about the potential risks of the surgery and spent time talking to him about it. Dr. Lloyd is a keeper!
I learned that the James and George Casey Eye Institute is connected with United Parcel Service and the Elks Club. The Elks Club is a charitable organization that funds surgery for children at the Casey Eye Institute. James Casey, founder of UPS, has an inspirational quote posted at the Institute--"Our horizon is as distant as our mind's eye wishes it to be."
If I had the money to do what I wanted while we were in Portland, I would have wanted to visit the Portland Art Museum, Powells Book Store, and walk on the beautiful walking path next to the Willamette River downtown. Maybe another time. Portland is a beautiful city.
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