Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Danger of Cell Phones

Yesterday I watched CSpan and the testimony in the Senate about cell phones causing brain tumors. I believe that Senator Teddy Kennedy died from using his cell phone over the years which caused his brain tumor and cancer. Senator Arlen Specter was asking questions of a doctor who tried very hard to be careful not to reveal too much information that could start a panic about cell phones. Cell phones are big business in this country. Almost everyone has one and people feel the need to have the latest model with the most features.

After listening to the testimony given, I felt alarmed about the usage of cell phones and spoke to my children about my concerns. I have been receiving e-mails the last few years about the dangers of cell phones and this testimony which wasn’t conclusive convinced me that cell phones are as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Children should not be using a cell phone because their brains aren’t fully developed. You should never use a cell phone on a train or in an area where the reception is not strong because the radiation is stronger. If you are at home, you should buy a land line or regular phone. If you do need to use the cell phone, don’t put it up to your ear. Don’t use a blue tooth because it directs the radiation directly to the side of your head, just as if you were holding the cell phone directly to your ear. Use a small ear piece connected to a long wire, if you need to use a cell phone.

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