Thursday, September 03, 2009

Editorial in the GT

There was an editorial in the Corvallis Gazette Times on September 2nd asking for fresh suggestions to stop the spread of meth.

So I sat down and wrote a page and a half. I sent it to the Publisher and City Editor of the Corvallis Gazette Times, Sheriff Simpson, and Governor Kulongoski. I sent them a copy of the article I wrote in Listen Magazine in 2004 about meth use in Benton County after interviewing staff and youth at the detention center.

I believe in prevention and I don't see anyone fully using the opportunities out there to make a difference. When a woman is pregnant, she is thinking about what is best for her new baby. Hopefully, she is married, has enough money to take care of her child, and can plan for her new baby with his/her best interests at heart. However, not all children are born into this type of family. There is an opportunity to make a difference and change the course of what doesn't have to be, when a woman is pregnant and comes into contact with a hospital, doctors and other professionals.

Here are a few of my ideas to prevent problems in the first place so no one has to go down that road leading to meth...
1. Classes need to be held on how to be a mother and a father.
2. Professionals who see a new family who might be a risk, need to act. Some families need special attention to prevent future problems. If intervention is needed to prevent abuse and possible future criminal behavior, the time is at the beginning to intervene. Some parents shouldn't be parents. Babies need to be protected. All babies who are born have the right to the best future possible to develop their fullest potential.
3. Churches and synagogues could make a big difference with couples at the time when new parents are planning for their new family. This is a time when young people are vulnerable and open to what is best for the new baby they are bringing into the world. This is the time to make a difference by actively approaching these new families.
4. Public education needs to start before birth. Research shows that babies can learn to read and learn math. The future of our country is questionable at this time. What better way to make a dramatic change and big impact, than to give each new baby coming into the world the best chance for a bright future by starting to teach them before birth.

In other words........Prevention is KEY.

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