Thursday, September 03, 2009


I wait and I wait and I wait to find out why. Why have I been treated like a criminal or terrorist or stupid or nuts. I have never done anything against the law. I have spoken out against injustice, crooks, and greed. I guess I have stepped on some important toes. If people who have worked hard to ruin my reputation and close doors for me because of their sins, it needs to stop. I deserve to win and a chance to reach my potential. We have an alarm system and yet someone has still gotten into our house. That tells me that it’s someone official with power to bend the law. I wait for someone to give me answers. A real friend would tell me the truth. So far—no friends, only questions. If I had the big bucks, I’d hire a lawyer and a private investigator. Sometimes I want to move far, far away. I’d go to Sweden, if I had the money, but I stay waiting to find out the truth as to why. It’s probably a mormon. I like people who are direct without an agenda and who don't try to manipulate. Most of the time I just work hard to act positive, treat people the way I want to be treated, and look for the potential in others. Sometimes it's hard to move forward when someone keeps pulling my leg back every time I try to walk forward. I keep trying. Every day I work hard to make it a good day, a productive day. Maybe I'll never find out why but it would help me to find understanding, perspective so I can leave it behind.

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