Friday, September 04, 2009

Mad as Hell Doctors

On the front page of the Corvallis Gazette Times this morning is the wonderful piece by Bennett Hall "'Mad' M.D.'s head for D.C." What a great story about medical heroes going to Washington, D.C. to fight for people who desperately need medical care and to fight for single payer health care.

Doctors Paul Hochfield and Mike Huntington from Corvallis are the local heroes on the front page of the newspaper. I can't thank them enough for their courage. They are fighting for me and my husband and the millions of people all over this country.

We need single payer health care. Nothing is impossible. Many said it was impossible for President Obama to get elected and he is the greatest President we have ever had in the history of the United States. This is the time for everyone who needs health care and believes it is important to stop greed in the health care system to support this effort by doctors. Call your senator and U.S. representative to tell them you support single payer health care. Nothing is impossible, if people work together to make it happen to end greed and to put care of people and prevention first.

CNN has been doing a series of excellent stories of health care around the world. Every country has better coverage and better care for its people at less cost than the United States. I would have better care in Cuba!

I sure would like to travel with the caravan to cover the story. It would be the story of a life time and I could appear on C-Span BookTV, one of my all time dreams.

God bless the amazing doctors who step forward with great courage to make a difference and stand strong for single payer health care. They are my heroes.

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