Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Walking Bridge in Salem

There's a new walking bridge in Salem over the Willamette River connecting downtown Salem to West Salem. It used to be used for trains as a rail bridge. Gretchen showed us this amazing addition to Salem. We parked close to Gilbert House, which is a toy museum and we walked onto the walking bridge. Lizzy and Jack rode their bikes across and back. It was so nice. I loved it. Everyone who lives close to the bridge in West Salem is lucky to be able to cross on foot and walk to shopping in downtown Salem. We also walked to see the new tile globe at the other end of the walking path next to the Willamette River. The globe is 25 feet in diameter.

Everyone living in Salem can enjoy the walking bridge and the great walking trail next to the Willamette River. Every city should have all these advantages and beautiful places to exercise.

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