Friday, May 08, 2009

U.S. Supreme Court

David H. Souter is retiring from the U.S. Supreme Court so President Obama will be picking the replacement. As a former law professor from the University of Chicago, President Obama is well-qualified to pick someone.

While I was in Seattle last weekend, I shook my head when I heard Senator Orin Hatch from Utah say that he was outraged that President Obama wants to pick someone who has compassion and empathy for women and minorities in the United States. I wasn't surprised that Senator Hatch said this. Utah is the home of Mormons where most of the population belongs to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have had personal experience that their compassion and empathy only exists when reporters and television cameras are there to record their actions.

I'm confident that President Obama will pick the best person to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. I'm grateful that President Obama cares about all people in this country and not just the richest Americans. All Americans need justice and all Americans need President Obama's leadership.

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