Saturday, November 23, 2013

Disabled Neglected???

On the front page of the Seattle Times this morning, Saturday, November 23rd, is the headline: "Feds: State neglected 27 disabled."

First of all, it doesn't sound like they were neglected since their physical needs were met. They were not locked in a basement, deprived of food, and sunlight, as in some horror stories about foster care.

And what is the potential of the disabled to contribute to the world? Aren't the disabled the responsibility of the family who brought them into the world and now expect the state to take over their care?


The gifted and talented are neglected every single day in the United States. It is RARE that the gifted and talented have the opportunity to learn at their rate of potential every hour of the school day. Most often they sit and must do what the group does, which is often far below their potential. Most often the gifted child thrives because of their parents or one person who mentors them. If a gifted child doesn't have this, they are lost and it is tragic for the whole world.

What is tragic is that we lose answers and solutions to problems of the world. We lose new original art and new concepts to save the world. By not nurturing the best and the brightest, they do not bloom or rise to their potential. This is a far greater tragedy!

At a time when budgets are squished already, isn't it time that we place our priorities on what is most important?

It is almost like there is no great priority list of what is most important. Everyone wants to grab what they can for their program. This is no longer acceptable and this must end. It is a great waste of money. It is a great waste of money to pay farmers not to plant crops. There are too many loop holes. Someone needs to put a stop to all this. Maybe lobbyists should be outlawed.

Maybe the parents of the gifted and talent should start suing if their child doesn't have the opportunities they should have in the classroom. Maybe then the great priority list would shift in education.

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