Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jessica Morrell

I spent the day in Everett attending a one day fiction writing workshop from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. taught by Jessica Morrell from Portland. I learned so much and met many nice people. The workshop was sponsored by Northwest Women Writers.

Jessica has written several books published by Writer's Digest Books. I bought three today:
BULLIES, BASTARDS, AND BITCHES: How to Write the Bad Guys of Fiction
BETWEEN THE LINES: Master the Subtle Elements of Fiction Writing
CRAFTING NOVELS & SHORT STORIES on page 300 is an article she wrote, "Keep Your Story Moving at the Right Pace."
Each of these books should be in your personal library, if you are a writer or care about learning how to write well.

Jessica Morrell teaches workshops for the Writer's Conference, Willamette Writers. I've wanted to meet her for a long time because she's been interviewed by Writer's Digest Magazine and she has taught writing for years.

I'm so glad I went. It was definitely worth the money and I look forward to reading her books. She knows writing. She knows how to teach it. She knows what works.

I started reading BULLIES, BASTARDS & BITCHES. Her writing is exquisite. Each word carefully chosen. It is a pure pleasure to read even the Preface!

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