Sunday, July 26, 2009

Peter DeFazio

Oregon U.S. Representative Peter DeFazio is a hero at our house. My husband called him to help him with a problem with Social Security and Medicare. His office got results. Peter DeFazio cares and works hard to help people in Oregon.

My husband was on hemodialysis for over two months so he signed up for Medicare Part B. Since he didn’t have it for many years, he was penalized. He had to pay four times the regular cost. My husband discovered that now with Medicare Part B, he could no longer afford the copayments for care so he can’t use it anyway. It’s too expensive. Because my husband was not on dialysis for over three months, Social Security Medicare won’t pay for his medical care for dialysis. Two months of dialysis, no help. Three months of dialysis and medicare would pay for it all.
Peter DeFazio finally got the Social Security office to communicate. DeFazio’s office hasn’t seen anything like this before.

The Albany Social Security office refused to return calls. Social Security is going to allow my husband to cancel Medicare Part B, which he can’t afford and doesn’t do him any good but it won’t take effect until September. Outrageous! Not fair!

We need health care reform in the United States. There should be free health care for all Americans. The emphasis should be on patient care and prevention, not on greed and bringing in the bucks for hospitals and doctors who only see patients for 10 minutes.

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