Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I am reading ANGELS AND DEMONS by Dan Brown and I find the lines about women very troubling in Chapter 18, “In his country women were possessions. Weak. Tools of pleasure. Chattel to be traded like livestock. And they understood their place….he could end her life in an instant. What would it matter? She was subhuman, a vehicle only of pleasure and service.” These are words taken literally in some cultures, in some countries. Sad but true.

Women are not treated with respect or as equals, but as possessions to control. Even in this country, by some religions, women are treated this way by men. It may be more subtle, not as overt but it is still there. Evidence is that in 2009 in the United States of America, there is still not an equal rights amendment for women in the U.S. Constitution. We live at a time when men can pick women out of a catalog and because these women come from difficult circumstances, they are grateful. How sad.

No one can truly be free and rise up to their full potential until this ends. All people must be free, respected, and have the opportunity to bloom.

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