Saturday, July 29, 2006


We have a new Post Mistress in Alsea named Nichole. I really like her. It's the best building in Alsea when its hot outside because of the air conditioning. Usually my husband wants to pick up the mail but I enjoy it when I do.

I attended the ceremony last year when Nichole was installed as Post Mistress. I even included the ceremony in my Nano Novel for 2005 last November. I'm a sap for parades and ceremonies that touch the heart and expect one to do their best. This ceremony talks about the great responsibility of safeguarding and protecting the mail. I admit that when these words were said, there were tears in my eyes.

I was alarmed the other day when my husband came home to say that the key was stuck in the lock. The lock had to be replaced and new keys issued. I'm impressed with Nichol's action.

I have a vivid imagination, which helps me write novels. My mind immediately took off wondering whether someone had tried to jimmy the lock to get into our box. Were they successful? Then I wondered if someone had a key and has been getting into our mail since I never think I am getting all my mail. Then I thought I would check this out by asking if anyone had been seen getting into our box. A strange look on the face by the guy who helps out let me know that he thought this was an odd thing to say.

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