Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mayor Mike McGinn

I received an e-mail about the community forum this evening at the Northgate Community Center with Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn. I am a big fan. I am so impressed with Mayor McGinn. He listens. His actions show that he believes strongly in participatory democracy. He answered a variety of questions this evening from a room full of people. His answers were thoughtful, intelligent, and he had city leaders from various agencies to answer questions in depth.

I am so grateful to be living in Seattle because I believe this is the greatest city in the world. Everything is right here--Seattle Art Museum, symphony, science center, zoo, aquarium, Broadway plays, great restaurants, music, live theater. I'm impressed. We have a great bus system. A bus runs right by my apartment every 15 minutes and can take me right into downtown Seattle to go to one of the greatest libraries here or to the Seattle Art Museum or visit Pike Place Market or to so many amazing things here.

Everything works here. Everything runs so smoothly. Mayor McGinn is a hero and from what I am seeing, he hires heroes who work well together for him. He hires well. I'm really impressed with Sol Villarreal, his community engagement coordinator. Mayor McGinn is one of the greatest mayors in the world. He lives his beliefs and is a great example. He listens. His team acts to solve problems.

Seattle is the place where people are welcome from all over the world and live and work together in peace. I like that. This is as close to heaven as you can get. Everything is here. And Mayor McGinn is in charge. He loves Seattle and it shows.

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