Tuesday, November 27, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

I'm behind in my word count so I am writing fast and furious to catch up. I divided up the words left that I need to write by four days and I have my new daily word count posted. Right now I have 39,485 words done. I'm determined to finish no matter what!

I'm grateful for this challenge. It is energizing. It helps me. I'm going to try to keep up the momentum and work on revisions by posting how many words that are needed to revise every day. Then maybe I can get more projects finished and in the mail.

I'm having fun. I'm going to do this next year. Only next year, I'm also going to visit more Nanowrimo groups in the area. I regret not visiting the library group downtown and the Ballard Library group and the one at Lake Forest. Next year.

I'm also going to participate in Script Frenzy in April to turn this nano novel into a script.

Well, I'm staying out of trouble. I'm keeping my nose clean. I may not be making any money but I'm putting one foot in front of the other to keep going forward.

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