Friday, May 10, 2013

One of my favorite, fun websites is It's a great website to learn for young and old. There are different subjects to choose. Under the topic humanities, there are famous paintings, literature, world hunger, and famous quotations. Under the topic math are the topics multiplication table and basic math. Under languages, you can work on German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Latin. There is human anatomy under the science topic. You can even work on your SAT preparation. Under the topic English, you can pick vocabulary or grammar. You can study the chemical symbols. Under the topic of geography, you can pick world landmarks, identify countries on map, world capitals, and flags of the world.

For each correct answer, the website donates 10 grains of rice through the world hunger program to help end hunger.

My favorite choices are famous paintings, vocabulary, grammar, identify countries on map, world capitals, and flags of the world. It's fun.

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